
Showing posts from October, 2017

Who is that man?!

On Monday the children were presented with a picture taken from a story book. The children were asked to look at the picture for one minute and to have a think about what they could see. Their responses were as follows: "I can see the moon" "It's an alien" "Its a scarecrow" "Look it's the sea" "Who is that man?" The children's thoughts were challenged and I asked them why they thought it was an alien and one child responded, "because it's dark and it's got a shirt and arms". Lots of other children suggested it was a scarecrow because of his hat. One child added to the discussion, "It is because its standing still". We spoke about what the man was doing and how he was feeling. The children thought he was looking for the bees (the green dots) and could tell me he was sad. The children then looked at the picture again and closed their eyes. This time I asked the children to think about...

Three Little Pigs

This week the children were given a challenge from the Three Little Pigs which required them to create a house. The children discussed the features of their own houses and the responses were placed onto a Rubric, which the children used to support their learning. Some children decided to paint their house whilst others decided to build one using the junk modelling. This activity provided a great opportunity to apply our knowledge of shapes that we have been learning, making links to shapes in the environment. It also encouraged children to talk about the things they have observed and talk about their loved ones.