"Where is the boy going?" (Float)

So what is the book about?

The book is based on a little boy who wants to float a boat. He decides to make this with his dad and he then goes out to test whether it will sail. The boy comes across a problem as it starts to rain, which makes the boat soggy and he is left feeling sad. The boy returns home and his dad helps him to make a paper aeroplane instead.

On Monday, the children were extremely excited to see a large paper aeroplane in the classroom and a runway.


During the input, the children noticed a message on the plane. As a class we sounded out each word, practising our phonic skills. The message said the following:
'Can you write me a secret message on a plane?'.
Along with the plane, there was a picture on the board and the children soon discovered that the message was from the boy who was holding an aeroplane.

The children were not sure how to make an aeroplane so we discussed how we could find this information. After a little prompt a child said, "you could look at a video Miss Woolsey" (B.F). The class learnt what the internet is and how it can be used to search for things we want to know about. The children watched the video clip (which was continuously playing in choosing time) and were eager to get stated and this is what happened......

"I can jump"
"I can Kiss"
" I can run fast"

"I can run fast"
"I can do cartwheels" 

Once the children had made their planes they used the runway to test how well it would fly. The children then wanted to go outside and flew their planes together standing on the hill. This provided a great opportunity to learn the language such as 'furthest and shortest.


On Tuesday the book was introduced to the children and they were confused to why this book did not have any words. So for each page we thought about what was happing and the children were challenged to think about a question. To do this the children were taught about what a question is and how we could ask one by using our question matrix. The children came up with some great questions for these pages in the book:

"Where is he going?"
"Who helped him make the boat?"
"Is he going to the park?"
"Why is he sad?"
"Is he lost?" 

The children arrived to school on Wednesday and found a mysterious letter with a tub of water and some objects.

During the lesson the children were taught what floating and sinking means and we discussed why we thought some objects sank or float compared to others. The children also had a go at predicting what they thought might happen. They then explored this for themselves during choosing time.

Some children decided to use the different materials on the table to make a boat. They then tested whether it would float by using our waterfall outside.

What a fantastic boat race we had!!


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