Porridge Monster?!
Who could it be?.... Last week our tissue box had gone missing from the classroom so the children came up with a great idea which was to make a camera. This generated lots of discussion about who took it and why. We placed our camera on top of the TV so that we could see who comes into the room but someone or something switched it off. A book was left on the chair and when we opened it there was a story called 'Who's been eating my porridge?'. The next day there were porridge footprints all over our classroom like the ones from the story. There was also a GIANT gold envelope with a letter inside. The children were so excited, "it's the big bad wolf", "it's the bears". One child then shouted "check the camera!". He looked through the camera and shouted, "ahhhh it's a MONSTER!". We read the letter from Goldilocks who needed to get across the river before the porridge monster comes. This involved the chil...